Scripture Reading - Galatians 1:11-12

11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. KJV

The Apostle Paul writing to the church of Galatia spoke of his personal “revelation of Jesus”. We notice that the Man of God (minister of God) did not receive his abilities from his education. We know that Paul was educated among the best as stated in Acts 22:3. He learned in Jerusalem at the feet of Gamaliel (a recognized teacher of the law). However, Paul did not attribute his wisdom unto his college professor. The Apostle Paul makes a bold statement on three fronts. First Paul states “the gospel he preaches is not after man”. This basically means Paul is not seeking the glorification of man. The doctrine of Paul did not promote the agenda of men. We as Children of God should never try to exalt the goodness of man because that would take away from the greatness of Christ. The Word of God does not come after man, nor does it follow the ways of men but surely as it is known, it is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. God’s Word is preached through the “revelation of the person Jesus Christ”. The second bold statement from Paul proclaims that “he didn’t receive it of man”. Now we (ihlcc) know someone will say that Paul received a touch of God from Ananias in Damascus according to Acts 9:10-19. This is true but also remember that Paul received the personal “revelation of Jesus” on the road to Damascus in the bright Light of God’s Love.-Refer to Acts 9:1-8 Understand that a touch of God is not the same as knowing God through personal fellowship in His Presence. The foundation of Paul’s spiritual life was rooted in the spiritual encounter he had with Jesus causing a turning point in his life. This power statement of “not receiving Jesus from men” is still true today. No one else can make Jesus Christ come alive in you. No our faith friend, you must have a personal revelation of who Jesus is and what you should do about excepting Him as your Savior to join the family of God. This is exactly what Paul had to do and we thank God he humbled himself to make the right decision to choose Christ. Thirdly, the statement “neither was I taught it” is quite challenging to the carnal mind. Paul’s primary teaching was by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. The Spirit of God interrupted Paul’s day while he was doing his work to light his way into the calling of God. Paul then heard the voice of the Lord asking him questions and giving him specific directions. Remember the Word of God and the Spirit of God always agree as one according to 1 John 5:7,8. Next, the Spirit of God moved on a disciple’s heart to minister healing and an in-filling to Paul. After that, Paul started studying the scriptures for truth (enlightenment) and development. This is the same pattern we all must follow to come to know Jesus more intimately. We must yield to His Holy Spirit when He knocks on the door of our heart by opening our mind to His Words and our heart to His Power. By letting Him in we are agreeing to dine with the Son of God, Jesus Christ, through the Bread of Life (The Holy Word of God). Although men may help us, we should never forget that it is the sole grace of God opening our eyes to the “revelation of Jesus” that caused us to be saved. So dear faithful believer never put your confidence in the works of men to save your loved ones. Place your faith in the power of God to “reveal Jesus” to that specific person in need through the simple message of God’s love personally lived by you as a witnessed example to them. Amen!